Clip Studio Paint Perspective Tools Tutorial
Introduction to Perspective Tools in Clip Studio Paint
Clip Studio Paint's perspective tools are a game-changer for creating stunning backgrounds and saving time. One of the most powerful features is the perspective ruler, which allows artists to create precise and realistic perspectives with ease.
Creating Perspective Rulers
To create a perspective ruler, follow these simple steps:
- Make a new layer and go to Layer > Ruler > Perspective Ruler
- Choose from 1-point, 2-point, or 3-point perspective rulers (3-point is the preferred choice for most artists)
- The blue line represents the horizon line, and the purple lines are the lines where you can create snapped lines
Adjusting Perspective Rulers
The Operation Tool (icon) is used to adjust individual elements of the perspective rulers. Click on each element to bring up a menu with options to change the point of the horizon line, vanishing points, etc. Use the green handle to adjust the horizon line.
Using Perspective Rulers as Reference Layers
Use the perspective rulers as a reference layer to adjust other elements in your artwork. This allows you to create precise and realistic perspectives with ease.
Bonus: Special Rulers in Clip Studio Paint
Clip Studio Paint has a range of special rulers that can be used for specific tasks and effects. These include:
- Linear Ruler: draws a simple line that sticks to the ruler
- Curve Ruler: allows for curved lines and shapes
- Focus Line Ruler: allows creation of lines that emanate from a central point
- Concentric Circle Ruler: allows creation of concentric circles
Adjusting Horizon Lines and Perspective Rulers in Graphic Design
Tilting the Horizon Line
Hold the shift key to snap the horizon line to a 45-degree angle.
Adjusting the Line while Keeping the Point in Place
Grab the circles at the ends of the horizon lines to adjust the line while keeping the point in the same spot.
Sketching in Perspective
Use the perspective rulers to sketch objects in perspective. For example, sketch a cube and then adjust the horizon line to match the perspective of the cube.
Adjusting the Perspective Point
Grab the blue perspective point and pull it out to adjust the direction of the perspective. Zoom out to see where the third perspective tool perspective point is located.
Turning Perspective Rulers On and Off
There are three ways to turn perspective rulers on and off:
- Method 1: Go to View and hit Snap to Special Ruler or press Apple + Key or Control + 2 on PC.
- Method 2: Use the Easy Snap Icons at the top of the screen. Click the middle icon to toggle snap to special ruler on and off.
- Method 3: Go back to the Operation Tool and tap on one of the perspective lines. Next to the lines are diamonds that can be tapped to turn the ruler on and off.
Working with Perspective Rulers in Clip Studio
Accidental Activation of Perspective Rulers
Be careful not to accidentally click the diamond-shaped icon in the middle of the perspective ruler, as it can cause frustration when trying to work with rulers. If your rulers are not snapping, check if you've accidentally activated the perspective ruler.
Duplicating Perspective Rulers
To duplicate a perspective ruler, hold down the Option key (or Alt key on a PC) and drag the ruler to a new layer. This method can be messy, as changes to the original ruler will not affect the duplicated ruler.
Using a Reference Layer for Perspective Rulers
Create a new layer for drawing on, and check the box between the eyeball and the layer preview to use the original layer as a reference layer. This allows you to draw on the new layer while still using the perspective ruler from the original layer. Uncheck the box to return to normal drawing mode.
Special Rulers in Clip Studio
Linear Ruler
To use a linear ruler, simply click and draw along the ruler. Instead of using the linear ruler, you can also tap once on the ruler and then hold to draw a line that follows the ruler's angle.
Curved Ruler
The curved ruler allows creation of curved lines. To use, make curves on the canvas and double tap to stop. The line will follow the curve created.
Focus Line Ruler
The focus line ruler allows creation of lines that emanate from a central point. To use, select the focus line option from the tool properties. Click on the canvas to create the ruler, then use the pen tool to create lines that radiate from the focus point.
Concentric Circle Ruler
The concentric circle ruler allows creation of concentric circles. To use, duplicate an existing ruler, then edit the tool properties to select the concentric circle option. Click on the canvas and drag out to create the shape, then release to create the concentric circles. Holding the shift key while tapping creates a perfect circle.
Additional Tips
- All lines created within the concentric circle ruler will be perfect circles.
- The perspective ruler can be used in conjunction with these special rulers.
- These special rulers are easy to use and can add variety to your artwork.